Rockstar Vienna
neo Software Produktions GmbH
Wienerbergstraße 7/7.OG
A-1100 Vienna
Managing Directors: Hannes Seifert, Dr. Niki Laber
Rockstar Games and related logos are trademarks of Take-Two
Interactive Software, Inc.
Company Register: Landesgericht Wiener Neustadt. HRB. 3845.
on the 14th of January 1993.
Company Register Number: FN 121 641 i
UID: ATU 17618709
Trading License: Services in the automatic data processing
and information technology. BH Baden on the 10th of August
Wienerbergstraße 7/7.OG
Business Park Vienna
A-1100 Vienna
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +43/1/607 40 80
Fax: +43/1/607 40 80-6
Links, referrals:
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cannot be held responsible for the content of linked websites,
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neo Software instantly removes each link to a website that
comprises illegal activities or information, as soon as
neo Software is aware of or has gained information regarding
illegal activities or information on linked sites.
In accordance with § 18 paragraph 1 ECGS, neo Software
is not liable to oversee the contents of the linked websites
or to investigate regarding illegal activities or information
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The copyright of all sites remains
entirely with neo Software GmbH, Vienna. All rights reserved.
The industrial or commercial utilization of information
from the sites is only allowed with
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remaining brands are property of the possessors of the respective
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